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Le Blood Bowl à la sauvage !!!

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#1 03-11-2010 09:10:43

Lieu: Almere
Date d'inscription: 03-10-2005
Messages: 417

Colleges of Magic 2011 12-13 novembre Utrecht

So you want to go to the World Cup in Amsterdam. And you'll have to get there from far, far away. Maybe plan a small vacation? Why not combine the World Cup with the wackiest tournament in the world: The Colleges of Magic?

The Colleges of Magic is held in de Korenbeurs in Utrecht, only 30 km or so away from Amsterdam and well reachable with public transportation.

You like the Netherlands? You like a longer vacation in combination with the World Cup? You want a friendly, funny atmosphere? Then Utrecht is the place to be, and this year is the best chance you'll get.

The rules are here and will most likely not change (it's the 2010 ruleset): http://blood-bowl.nl/faccess.php?id=470

There is no registration site, just post here and see if your name appears on the list.

Hope to see you in 2011!

Quermitt & Draco

Les Français sont fous! Mais moi, je les aime!

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#2 03-11-2010 09:14:29

Lieu: Issy les moulineaux
Date d'inscription: 15-06-2009
Messages: 7068

Re: Colleges of Magic 2011 12-13 novembre Utrecht

why not !

"Ecoute gamin, quand tu auras fait la teflon tu pourra revenir me causer de bloodbowl, retourne donc teter les seins de ta mere et va au lit, c'est bientot 20h.
Eddie : "Si Aredhel et le Sgt sont devant moi au classement à la date du LB, non seulement je joue en String mais avec en plus "Mamar Forever" écrit sur le boule..."

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#3 03-11-2010 10:21:41

Date d'inscription: 10-03-2010
Messages: 89

Re: Colleges of Magic 2011 12-13 novembre Utrecht

Azzroag a écrit:

why not !

les regles sont quand même marrantes avec des "rosters" bien farfelus.

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#4 03-11-2010 10:38:53

Lieu: Almere
Date d'inscription: 03-10-2005
Messages: 417

Re: Colleges of Magic 2011 12-13 novembre Utrecht

Just to make an important note. Thi is a tournament for FUN only. Not for WINNING.
If you like stalling, can't stand losing a team through zappes, lose important players by random events, then DON'T come.
This tournament is more a gathering of people who love the game elements and drink a beer or else. Of course you can should merde sometimes if things go wrong with your team, but with a smile on your face. NEVER get frustrated.

This is ALL about FUN FUN and FUN!

Still hope to see you! wink

Les Français sont fous! Mais moi, je les aime!

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#5 03-11-2010 11:14:56

Lieu: Neuilly/Seine (Porte Maillot)
Date d'inscription: 30-01-2009
Messages: 5206
Serviteurs de HuahuanLes Oeils Crevés s2VC s2

Re: Colleges of Magic 2011 12-13 novembre Utrecht


I am reading the rules ans I can't find the Rat Ogre list in the race/quantity. Could you give some info on the matter ?

I would like to Know if the tournament offers the opportunity to buy toad minis (a large quantity ^^ let's say 12 to 16), toadzilla miniatures (say 2 or 3) and possibly an assistant wizard miniature...

I would really Like to get some specific miniature to represent the college of magic's mayhem...

The tournament rules are awesome !!! big_smile

Dernière modification par SSB (03-11-2010 11:16:45)

Si Dieu existe, j'espère qu'il a une bonne excuse…

Membre NAF 13663

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#6 03-11-2010 11:39:25

Lieu: Almere
Date d'inscription: 03-10-2005
Messages: 417

Re: Colleges of Magic 2011 12-13 novembre Utrecht

Strange, it must have fallen out. It will be added again. Thanks for pointing this out. There will be a categorie called Ratogre. They are Blockers and can be bought for 150k. 0-2.

I do have some ideas on mini's. We are thinking of have some made for the tournament of 2011, but it depends on availability and cost. Also it will depend on how many people intend to show up. This is a low budget tournament, so it's not easy for me to get new mini's. But I do hope to pull something off.

As for mini's you can buy now: Impact! still has frogs with ball mini's that can be used. Also Rolljordan has a big Krox mini that can be used as Toadzilla. Of course last year we had the limited RJ taxitoad as give away. They are all gone I'm afraid.

And if you run out of frogs, there is always the possibility to use Haribo frogs. Once they die, you can eat them yourself. mrgreen

Thaks for the comment on the rules. Really appreciated. Maybe you can join in next week too? smile

Dernière modification par Draco (03-11-2010 12:04:56)

Les Français sont fous! Mais moi, je les aime!

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#7 03-11-2010 12:00:55

Lieu: Neuilly/Seine (Porte Maillot)
Date d'inscription: 30-01-2009
Messages: 5206
Serviteurs de HuahuanLes Oeils Crevés s2VC s2

Re: Colleges of Magic 2011 12-13 novembre Utrecht

Ok ! And how many Rat Ogre is possible to buy ? 2 ?

Ok. For the minis if you finaly get something organised I am ready to preorder so that it is easier to plan for you.

My coming is not yet a certitude but I would really want to... smile

Dernière modification par SSB (03-11-2010 12:01:44)

Si Dieu existe, j'espère qu'il a une bonne excuse…

Membre NAF 13663

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#8 03-11-2010 12:04:29

Lieu: Almere
Date d'inscription: 03-10-2005
Messages: 417

Re: Colleges of Magic 2011 12-13 novembre Utrecht

0-2 indeed.

Let's hope Paris/France can round up some players this year to "taste the atmosphere" and advertise for next year.wink

Les Français sont fous! Mais moi, je les aime!

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#9 28-06-2011 14:31:42

Doc Grotznick
Date d'inscription: 20-06-2007
Messages: 4648
Burning Forgery (Fav Khorne)

Re: Colleges of Magic 2011 12-13 novembre Utrecht

Hi Draco, guess what ? I Think i am going to come and kick some ugly Dutch but.
The rules seems as crazy as you.

If Azzroag and SSB are in, maybe we can share a car.

C'est en sucant n'importe qui qu'on avale n'importe quoi.

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#10 28-06-2011 14:42:21

Lieu: Almere
Date d'inscription: 03-10-2005
Messages: 417

Re: Colleges of Magic 2011 12-13 novembre Utrecht

That would be great! The more the better! Just let me know in time.

Les Français sont fous! Mais moi, je les aime!

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#11 15-11-2011 13:39:55

Lieu: Almere
Date d'inscription: 03-10-2005
Messages: 417

Re: Colleges of Magic 2011 12-13 novembre Utrecht

Well, it is done and fianlly only Laraigne passed by and got a prize!

The frogs are great and will be sold at the world cup. I can't show them now because I don't have pictures yet. Just visit the stand of GoblinForge to see, and even better, buy them!

Les Français sont fous! Mais moi, je les aime!

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