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#1 08-03-2011 15:06:12

Date d'inscription: 22-07-2010
Messages: 8

De la théorie du dès

Bonjour à tous,

Aucours de notre match, avec Laraigne, hier, nous avons assisté à certaines série de dès pour le moins peu habituelles. Je lance sept 6 d'affilés (oh oui!), il ne lance aucun 3 ou plus en une dizaine de dès (oh oui! ... euh pardon ...).

Au delà de l'aspect strictement Bloodbowlistique de la chose, ça m'a fait pensé à un petit texte en rapport avec les dès qui trainait sur les forums Cyanide.

Je ne peux m'empêcher de vous le faire partager :-)

Yumi_cheeseman a écrit:

Cortes, you clearly don't know how dice work!

Every dice has a certain amount of luck which is currently loaded into the dice. For instance if that dice has only ever rolled 1's, it's luckitude factor (LF) would be so low, that you are bound to roll 6's, or at least not roll 1's for a good spell as well!

The hardest part for us gamers, is often when we buy dice, they aren't luck neutral, and if you roll the dice to find out what side of the luck scale they are on, you might use up all the good luck, taking it back to neutral or worse!

This gives many gamers different theories on rolling dice, of which we call "disonometrics" (dice-onometrics). Many, like yourself, seem to believe that no matter what has previously been rolled on the dice, the next dice roll will be completely random. There are 2 other camps who think your idea is complete rubbish! A dice without an LF, how silly!

The first camp would say that if you test roll the dice, and find that they roll more 1's, then your next roll is MORE likely to be a 1, because the Luck factor is currently low. The second camp believes the opposite, if you roll mostly 1's, then you've removed that low LF, and thus you should roll that dice for your next roll, as it is LESS likely to be a 1. Of course, many of these players also don't like doing test rolls, because they don't want to play with the natural forces of the dice! The luck factor is what it is, and you should not tamper with that (maybe to appease Nuffle? Who knows).

If you want to know more about Luck Theory, feel free to ask. As a luckonomics major, I feel competant to answer most questions smile.


Et un peu plus tard ...

yumi_cheeseman a écrit:

Darkson a écrit:

yumi_cheeseman a écrit:

If you want to know more about Luck Theory, feel free to ask. As a luckonomics major, I feel competant to answer most questions smile.

Did you minor in "placement  disonometrics" as well?  I'm trying to get my head around the theory as to whether leaving all your dice with the one/skull face up will a)make them more likely to roll 1/skull, as that's what they're used to, or b) more likely to roll 6/pows, as it's different.
I've searched to see if a definitive answer has been found, but no luck yet.

This is one of the hotter topics in Luckonomics! Much like the force of gravity, many experts still cannot agree, and often times similar tests have released completely differing results. However, the most prominent theory, and the one I believe in is as follows.

Much like the aether, there is a flow of luckitude WITHIN dice, it's constantly swirling about, and dependent on the current positioning of the Luck Aether (from now on referred to as LA) at the time of the dice roll, determines the result of the dice.

There are many contributing factors to the positioning of the LA, the major ones are the way you roll the dice (this has its own field in disonometrics), the Luck Factor (LF) of the dice, and the current flow of the LA. This last one is the most sought out theory in disonometrics (although some people now call it dicology, but I'm old school), with many famous "dicologists" having performed experiments to prove the theory. These include such illustrious names as Albert Die-enstein, Dice-aac Newton, Charles Dice-Win, and even the famous blood bowl scientist Nicolaus Co-POW-nicus!

Even though the LA is constantly flowing, current theory states that if you leave a dice with the 6 side up (and thus the 1 side down), then the flow can "settle" meaning that you'll roll more 1's (the more LA in the side, the more it will roll)! However, experiments have shown this is not always the case, and that the LA can actually vary in weight, so sometimes when you lay it to settle, it'll RISE up to the top, making 6's more likely! This makes it incredibly hard to see whether the position of the dice is helping or hindering! when you roll a test roll to see, it can also completely stir up the LA and render is useless.

However, this explains why if you roll one 1, you are much more likely to roll another 1 straight away, and this is why I ALWAYS advise that after rolling a 1, you get your dice and shake it REALLY hard and for a good period of time, to spread the LA away from that one side, nullifying the effect. I would suggest if you do want to try and load your dice with positioning on the table, you lay them with the 3 or 4 up. This will make 3's and 4's more likely, which is usually all you need!

The greatest problem with the video game is not bugs or problem in design, it's the lack of ability to control the LF, or LA of the "pseudo random generator". I do personally try and hit the reroll button HARDER when I just rolled a 1, but you can't do that when you have a skill re-roll such as dodge. Computational Luckonomics is a relatively new field, and something I'm not an expert in, but over the next couple of years you should look out for some big breakthroughs in that area smile!

Happy dicing folks!

Hors ligne


#2 08-03-2011 16:00:28

le ong
Date d'inscription: 06-10-2008
Messages: 612

Re: De la théorie du dès

Tout ça, c'est du blabla.

La réalité, c'est que le mauvais coach qui perd a toujours l'impression que son adversaire fait plein de 10, quand lui-même n'enchaine que les mauvais jets.
Il cherche un bouc émissaire et ça retombe souvent sur les dés.

La réalité est toute autre :
- le bon coach fait 2 sur un gfi quand le mauvais coach gaspille ses 6 sur ses jets à 2+.
- un bon coach sait faire 1, pour faire monter le suspense avant de dire "j'utilise esquive" et fait 3. Le mauvais coach attend de ne plus avoir de relance pour faire 1 sur son esquive avec un 4 d'AG sans esquive.

Autre exemple :
Pow avec un troll des neiges griffe chataigne.
Le bon coach fait 7 à l'armure, puis 10 à la blessure, soit un total de 17 avec 4 dés pour une sortie.
Le mauvais coach fait 12 à l'armure, donc forcément la loi des probas fait qu'il fait 6 à la blessure, soit un total de 18 (ce qui est plus que le bon coach) pour un vieux stunned des familles.

Le connard des Experts

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#3 08-03-2011 16:16:19

Lieu: Issy les moulineaux
Date d'inscription: 15-06-2009
Messages: 7068

Re: De la théorie du dès

nuance alex : l'excellent coach sait utiliser ses compétences à merveille et fait 8-9 avec son yeti griffe chataigne pour utiliser la chataigne sur blessure et surtout garder son prochain 10 sur un 3/4 qui gagnera chataigne grace à cette sortie.

"Ecoute gamin, quand tu auras fait la teflon tu pourra revenir me causer de bloodbowl, retourne donc teter les seins de ta mere et va au lit, c'est bientot 20h.
Eddie : "Si Aredhel et le Sgt sont devant moi au classement à la date du LB, non seulement je joue en String mais avec en plus "Mamar Forever" écrit sur le boule..."

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#4 08-03-2011 16:51:56

Date d'inscription: 27-04-2006
Messages: 359
Gang de la Rue Blomet

Re: De la théorie du dès

C'est fou ça Alex... T'as tout compris, et pourtant tu joues toujours aussi mal wink

In the fields the bodies burning
As the war machine keeps turning

Black Sabbath

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#5 08-03-2011 17:24:21

Lieu: ivry sur seine
Date d'inscription: 24-08-2006
Messages: 6533

Re: De la théorie du dès

la théorie des grands nombres...
tsss tsss tsss
le bon coach, sachant que le dé fera tout pour faire chier (loi de murphy), saura détourner l'attention de l'adversaire (loi de lutèce) pour minorer la loi des grands nombres (de baffes si il se fait chopper)
mais tout un chacun sait que les règles, les lois sont faites pour protéger le faible du fort
or, protéger le faible c'est appauvrir le patrimoine génétique, et ça c'est nul, après on se retrouve avec des mamar mamar
ps: tain, t'aurais pu faire l'effort de traduire!


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#6 09-03-2011 11:05:49

Vlad Tepesch
Date d'inscription: 13-08-2008
Messages: 456
Ziva La Banlieue

Re: De la théorie du dès

La solution pour ne plus faire de mauvais jet, c'est de ne plus lancer le dé si risque de turnover et laisser l'adversaire le faire. En gros, vous ne faites plus que des mouvements sans esquives, et vous vous mettez près de la balle en attendant que l'ennemi la rate et vous la donne.

Mieux vaut avoir les bourses en action que des actions en bourse...

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