Eau Minerale a écrit
1: In the french rules, when there are multiple Piss Markers on the floor, you call it "Piss Glissant"? What does this mean for goblins dodging out? -1 per marker? Or what?
You have to tag a zone with a piss marker when a piss scatter on the floor. You have to get only one marker per zone even if multiple scatters come down in the zone. If a goblin leaves a zone where a piss marker is you have to make a 2+ roll.
Eau Minerale a écrit
2: Can a goblin blitz another goblin, or can you only block when you are next to another goblin?
No blitz are allowed. To block another player is an oppotunist action 🙂
Eau Minerale a écrit
3: Moving out of a square with a piss marker, is it a +2, or an agility roll? And can you use dodge skill to reroll?
No because piss got Tackle 😉 Seriously no because it's not a dodge. Maybe with sure feet 😉
Eau Minerale a écrit
4: Players who has been emasculated, do they move the squig in their turn, or are they out of the game completely?
Indeed they play the squigg instead of their player(s). Everybody play !
Eau Minerale a écrit
5: Can a player who is out, still get GNAK markers for players he emasculates? (Thus maybe winning the game?)
Indeed too, a player who emasculates another player got one point.
Eau Minerale a écrit
6: If a goblin pisses on the squig, and misses, does he have to refuel, or do the goblins only need to refuel when the piss on the squig, and exit the pitch to score?
You have to refuel only when you piss successfully on the squigg.
Have a good game and sorry for my bad english.
For the suckers who don't know the game :