bah voila fallait pas insister maitre C tout ce que tu dis n'est que partiellement exact je supprime donc ton post
maintenant pour que ca soit definitivement clair:
dans la partie sequence de jeu
lrb5 a écritLIST OF ACTIONS
Move: The player may move a number of squares equal to their Movement Allowance (MA)
Block: The player may make a single block against a player in an adjacent square. Players that are Prone may not perform this
Blitz: The player may move a number of squares equal to their MA. He may make one block during the move. The block may be made at any point during the move, and ‘costs’ one square of movement.
IMPORTANT: This Action may not be declared by more than one player per turn. However, any player may perform a Blitz – the player doesn’t have to be a Blitzer (Blitzers are just better at it than other players).
Pass: The player may move a number of squares equal to his MA. At the end of the move the player may pass the ball.
IMPORTANT: This Action may not be declared by more than one player per turn.
partout ou il y a MAY, implique que ca n'est pas obligatoire
maintenant dans les sections plus precises:
lrb5 a écritA player may move a number of squares equal to his Movement
Allowance. Players may move in any direction or combination of
directions, including diagonally, as long as they do not enter a
square that holds another player (from either team). Players do
not have to use up all of their Movement Allowance in their turn;
they don’t need to move at all if his coach does not want them to.
c'est simple est sans ambiguite, c'est le premier paragraphe cite en entiere : un joueur n'est pas force de bouger, c'est la derniere phrase en gras :
un joueur peut prendre une action de mouvement mais n'est pas oblige de se deplacer
le difference vient de terme : Mouvement et Deplacement
la partie que tu cites existe mais c'est dans la precision appeler a une procedure illegale, en gros tu peux prendre une action de mouvement tant que tu ne deplaces pas d'une case le joueur tu ne peux pas etre pris en procedure illegale. comme tu l'as dit il ne faut pas extraire partiellement les phrases d'une regle
lrb5 a écritOnce per turn a player on the moving team is allowed to make a
special Blitz move. A blitz allows the player to move and make a
block. The block may be made at any point during the move, but
costs one square of movement for the player to make. The
player may carry on moving after the effects of the block have
been worked out if he has any squares of movement left.
le block peut etre fait a n'importe quel moment pendant le deplacement mais n'est pas obligatoire
throwing ball:
lrb5 a écritOnce per turn a player on the moving team is allowed to make a
Pass Action. The player is allowed to make a normal move, and
after he has completed the move he may throw the ball even if
the receiver is in an adjacent square. Note that the player does
not have to be holding the ball at the start of the Action; he could
use his move to run over and pick up a ball on the ground and
then throw it, for example.
oui il est possible de declarer une passe et de ne pas la faire puisque le jet de passe se fait quand le joueur a fini son deplacement.
post clos!