Bon, vous les attendiez tous avec impatience et bien les voilà !
You've been waiting for them for months. Here they are !!!
Friday night, the first to arrive meeet in the Pub for drink/diner.
The Sergent is excited just thinking of all the computers he'll have to fix the next day ! :mrgreen:
Pedro tries to pull Lycos. 😛
Paul, Lucy and Niels.
Beeeuuuuuaaaark !
Saturday morning :
Buck reads a book while the first coachs start registration. Is he bored ? :mad:
Heuuu....Who's next ? :mrgreen:
La French organisation isn't that bad 😉 People start playing.
I would like you to notice that Lucy starts table 2 :mrgreen:
That's a lot of players !
There are people in every corner ! :lol:
Thomson...heu..Satanas made a very nice pitch. :cool:
Hoomin, day 1, he's still looking ok :mrgreen:
Paul will finish in the top 10 playing Chaos 😃
Yavatol is starting the take off for table 1.
Too many dice, too many skulls :mrgreen:
Strider, Tour de France styleee ! :lol:
ZeeboOb against Dieu.
Food is ready in the back 😉
Le Venomous against Rootsy.
Kaboom and the Sheriff Star...How surprising :mrgreen:
Still a nice pitch.
The Stade Lorain's fans aren't all dead yet.
Playing outside.
Wake up Président !!! 😛
The PG18 table : Joker against Martoni ! :mrgreen:
Sharky is the only guy to fing Merlin nice 😛
Le Venomous attacks a tree !
Why don't you burn it ? :rolleyes:
I'm really wondering who that can be ? :mrgreen:
Friday night, party in da pub !!! :cool:
We have some black shirts too 😉
Black shirts 2, the return of the vengeance !
We've got the genuine (who said vintage) black shirts too 😛
I smell the Fluxx !
Kadu-C on the dance floor !
Bobbite on the dance floor !
Love is in the air. 😃
The captain is pulling. :cool:
Dieu is scary.
Dance again !
Everybody has his own style of dancing :mrgreen:
That makes Yavatol's GF laugh.
Another Diet Coke ? :mrgreen:
Neverdodge gets down !
Hoomin, still looking good and Kithor.
Bobbite is flying.
The captain alone to dance :mrgreen:
Hey ! A girl ! :cool:
I know this hat...
More love. 😛
Enough with love ! :mrgreen:
A last beer and we go home.
Sunday morning !
The Sergent after a good night of party is fit for doing it again ! :mrgreen:
Hoomin isn't. It starts being difficult for Mister Minerale :lol:
Buck is still looking after the trophy.
And Norse is looking after Buck. 😉
Lunch in the sun.
The great skaven team of Spacemanspiff
Who's that in yellow wearing the Sheriff Star (wooden spoon) tee-shirt ? :mrgreen:
No, it can't be...
Am I dreaming ?
No ! It's Lucy on the last table ! 😛:lol:😉
Hoomin looking worse and worse :mrgreen:
We're still a lot of people ! :cool:
White and blue is the new fashion.
ZeBoss' mino.
Norse in the sun while small children spit on him :mad:
Where are they ? :o
Laraigne against Chris da Kloub' !
Yes, it fits but it hurts. :mrgreen:
My last opponent (another defeat for me) :/
Requiem, the LB2 champion !
Thanx everybody for making this tournament such a great moment. A big thank to Fondu and Laraigne for the collectors and to al the LutÚce crew !!!!!
LutÚce Bowl 3 coming soon...